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LUT-Operator Example
This operator applies a LookUpTable to an image.
Unlike to all other image-processors LUT's are represented
by Envelopes and can be morphed !
There are 6 Envelopes: a Start- and an End-Envelope for every
component. After specifying the number of frames the Start-Envelope
is morphed into the End-Envelope. Different point-counts
are possible.
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Input STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8 input buffer
Ouput STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8 output buffer
Mode EDIT, VIEW toggle Edit/View-mode
Type LINEAR, SPLINE, BEZIER type of the spline of the current channel
Component R, G, B current component
RGB (gadget) apply the current Envelope to all components
Preset (may change) choose a preset
Apply (gadget) apply the selected preset to the current component
Position START, END modify the Start- or the End-Envelope
Both (gadget) apply the Envelope of the current component as
End- and as Start-Envelope
Frames integer>0 number of frames used for morphing
Frame integer>0 current frame displayed in view-mode
MirrorX (gadget) mirror the current Envelope along the x-axis
MirrorY (gadget) mirror the current Envelope along the y-axis
MirrorXY (gadget) flip the current Envelope along the diagonal
MoveX (gadget) shift the current Envelope by the specified amount in x-direction
MoveY (gadget) shift the current Envelope by the specified amount in y-direction
Amount integer shift-value
File string file used for loading/saving envelopes
Load (gadget) load an Envelope
Save (gadget) save the current Envelope to disk
There are two modes: the View- and the Edit-mode. In Edit-mode
all changes are applied, in view mode the morphing of the
splines is visualized. In this mode you can change the current-frame-
number both using the scrollbar and the "Frame"-gadget.
If you want to create your Envelopes using the Envelope-Window
the only restriction is that all values must be in the range 0..255.
The first point must have the x-coordinate 0, the last one the
coordinate 255.